Sylvania has been illuminating the region for almost 100 years.
As part of our strengths, we have the ISO 9001 quality certification and ISO 14001 certification of good environmental practices, we have an R & D department, which is an interdisciplinary team for research and development of new products of different technologies, we are also the only lighting plant and laboratory in the region. We carry out electrical tests, mechanical resistance tests and photometry to guarantee the quality of our products.
We provide customized lighting solutions for which we handle retail, commercial, industrial, residential, vertical and road lines.
SYLVANIA: The story goes back to 1901, when the Merritt Manufacturing Company was created in Massachusetts, the purpose of which was to renovate burned out light bulbs. Thirty years later, the Sylvania group originated, becoming known in the market as Hygrade Sylvania Corporation.
Time passed and after the requirements of a market that has always been demanded by technological proliferation, the first fluorescent lamps were introduced. The challenge then was the lack of available luminaires for this type of lamp; obstacle that is immediately countered with the creation of a new luminaire business, becoming the first manufacturer of a complete fluorescent luminaire.

1959-1972 SYLVANIA ELECTRIC PRODUCTS. Later the company was renamed Sylvania Electric Products Inc., focused on electronic products, but it was until 1959 when Sylvania merged with General Telephone to create the renowned GTE Sylvania (from General Telephone & Electronics Corporation). This was the beginning of a really massive change for the company and its international expansion.
1971-1985 GTE SYLVANIA: In the early 1960s, in Costa Rica, the Costa Rican company Multilux, focused on the distribution of electrical products, decided to bring the GTE Sylvania franchise and it was then that the business merger was generated that led to the establishment in Pavas in 1964 of the lighting plant. which also started manufacturing electrical appliances, traffic lights, car chips, starters. Later incandescent bulbs and fluorescent tubes are incorporated.
In the early 1990s, GTE made the decision to sell Sylvania to finance new investments in mobile telecommunications. Sylvania's division for Europe, Asia and Latin America led to the formation of SLI Holdings International LLC.
1985-2000: At the beginning of 1960, in Costa Rica, the Costa Rican company Multilux, focused on the distribution of electrical products, decided to bring the GTE Sylvania franchise and that is when the business merger was generated that led to the establishment in Pavas in 1964, of the plant of luminaires that began also manufacturing household appliances, traffic lights, car chips, starters. Later incandescent bulbs and fluorescent tubes are incorporated.
In the early 1990s, GTE made the decision to sell Sylvania to finance new investments in mobile telecommunications. Sylvania's division for Europe, Asia and Latin America led to the formation of SLI Holdings International LLC.
Sylvania bets on regional talent and the growth potential that currently exists in the region?
Today more than 4200 products are distributed: linear tubes (both fluorescent and LED), incandescent bulbs, compact fluorescent lamps, LED lamps, ballasts, as well as fluorescent, HID (Mercury, Metalarc and Sodium) and LED luminaires. These are exported and distributed to 15 countries in America (including markets to be strengthened such as the United States, the Andean region and Brazil) and in the last two years it has reported growth between 20% and 25%.
A large-scale project is underway to begin assembling LED luminaires in 2014 at the Costa Rican plant, which will make us the first manufacturer in the country to do so. This is going to require an investment of $ 500,000 to $ 1 million. The projection is that, in a period of 2 years, 64,000 LED luminaires will be manufactured per month.
Currently, the company makes sales of 1.1 million units per month in Central America and the Caribbean. With these new plans, up to 40% growth is expected in three years.
The factor of Sylvania's current success has to do with a change in mindset. It opts for a reinforcement of the image and marketing tactic. In the last year and a half, the budget for image and advertising increased by approximately 200%. Sylvania is faced with the large amount of imported generic product that lacks true backing, not only with track record, warranty, product innovation and new technologies, but also with a specialized service platform. The company has Project, and Luminaire Research and Development (R&D) departments, focused on the total development of luminaires, from conceptualization, engineering and production, to the support of specialists in lighting design for projects, as well as the sales and after sales service. Sylvania is betting on regional talent and the growth potential that currently exists in the region, on new technologies that, in addition to being beneficial for the user (reducing energy consumption and increasing its useful life), are friendly to the planet.There is no doubt that Sylvania lives up to their mission through each life it enlightens, and today they are fully determined to continue their ever-present journey toward a bright future.
Our mission
“Always be present giving light to your life”
To be the lighting supplier, number one in quality, innovation and customer service.
Our vision
“Make the world shine”
To be recognized as a world leader in the lighting and electrical equipment markets, providing our clients with innovative, sustainable solutions based on technological excellence, to ensure their success and achieve our growth goals.
The word integrity implies rectitude, loyalty, transparency and adherence to principles. We know that a productive organization has to do not only with systems and compliance with quality processes, but also with the culture of the company, and at Sylvania this is the value that makes the difference.
At Sylvania we work under the pillar of respect, through dignified treatment, tolerance and the recognition of equality and diversity in our collaborators and clients.
For Sylvania, this value is fundamentally a virtue that our entire team possesses. It is about that awareness that we are all a key part of the company and that each of their contributions is valued. Being loyal implies a true commitment, even in the face of changing or adverse circumstances, a value that we put into practice internally, to improve it in the treatment of our customers and distributors.
We frame teamwork under the concept of collaboration, union, tolerance, solidarity, equity, dialogue and a vocation for service. The exchange of ideas between departments allows us to acquire a broader vision of the world of lighting and recognize the various angles and nuances of market needs.
Our priority is to give the best service to others. Acting responsibly, listening and serving with kindness and a positive attitude, is the commitment we make to meet the needs of our customers through a comprehensive service.
Success is achieved with effort, that is definitive. and in Sylvania we are passionate about the idea of growing, doing things with love, being efficient and committed to our tasks. It is necessary because we have assumed the responsibility of making the world shine and we will only achieve that after a performance focused on sure victory.